Monday, September 30, 2019

Tips to help you survive midterms....

Greetings all!

            It is that time of the year! As you all know, midterms are upon us. Some of you may be happy because you realize you are halfway done with the semester. However, I am aware that the rest of you are nervous because this entire week is dedicated to strictly testing. Test anxiety is still prevalent in college. Many can say that college is mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually draining. Trying to balance your time with studying, work in multiple classes, being active in organizations on campus, and keeping track of your health can all be heavy burdens to bare.
            Given that this is midterm week, here are some tips to help get you through the week:
1.    Turn your phone to “Do Not Disturb” so you will not have any distractions during your study time.
2.    Eat a hardy breakfast the day of your midterm. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your brain needs energy to function properly throughout the day.
3.    Maintain a good sleep schedule for the week.
4.    Make flashcards to help you study better if you don’t want to read lengthy paragraphs.
5.    Ask your professor questions before, during, and/or after class to make sure you are on the right track with your comprehension of the material you are learning.
6.    Utilize your professor’s office hours.
7.    Find an environment to study that works for you. I prefer to study in a place that has a little background noise but no major distractions.
8.    Set aside at least one hour of your day for studying.
9.    Form a study group with your peers.
10.  Study comfortably, but not too comfortable. You wouldn’t want to fall asleep trying to study for a test.

Hopefully these tips helped you in order to have a successful week. Good luck!

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