Monday, November 14, 2016

Portraits, Poetry and Politics!

Tiger Family!

            Thanks to everyone who came out to the “Portraits, Poetry and Politics” collaboration event last Monday, it was a success. Also, special thanks to the lovely Dr. Pinkard, for not only helping put the event together, but also in motivating her students to write and create heartfelt pieces. If you want to see more videos and pictures from the event please be sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter page.

            For those of you who did not know, this event was mainly structured around campaign issues, and our opinions on them, in both poetry and art. Dr. Pinkard’s Advance Poetry Class, has been writing on these campaign issues for the entire semester, which birthed our wonderful poems ranging from the topics of Women’s Rights, Deportation, Immigration, Global Warming, Mental Illness, and so much more.  We were encouraging everyone to get out and vote.
This event helped give voice to students like myself who felt that our opinions would not be heard.  It give insight on real issues rather than focusing on things the candidates would say.

            Again, we appreciate and thank every one that participated, all of the art students, poetry students, the staff and audience as well. If you haven’t made it over to the art studio to see the paintings and poetry you have until the end of the month to see them! Remember the art studio is in Elliot Hall in the Hiram Van Gordon Gallery. Be on the look out for more department and campus updates on our Facebook, and Twitter pages.



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