Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Cookies with Colleagues

LLP Opens Doors and Opportunities with Meet and Greet
by Brianna McGuire
LLP Social Media Intern

Earlier this month, students in the Language, Literature, and Philosophy Department gathered for Cookies with Colleagues hosted by the LLP Department.

The purpose of this event was to gather LLP students together and bring more attention to LLP to students who were not involved in the program. Throughout the crowd were a couple of students who were not involved in the program, and we used the opportunity to introduce LLP to them. Dr. Michelle Pinkard, the Department Chair told students, “a minor can help you become more competitive,” in reference to a possible LLP minor, such as English, Spanish, French or Philosophy.

Dr. Justin Whitney asked students for their input on what should be added to the department’s program. Dakota B., a junior English major is interested in more publishing classes, other students are interested in advanced philosophy and theory classes. One student even talked about his experience in his Graphic Novel course and how much he enjoyed the class and wishes there were more classes like it. 

Overall, it was a great event! The students absolutely enjoyed it and are ready for the next one! Kennedy Robinson, a Junior English major says, “it was great to see other English majors and professors that I have never met before, and it was very cool.”

Many of her colleagues thought the same! Students felt welcomed after being in a space with other English majors and being introduced to professors and courses that are exactly for their specific field of interest. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Meet the new LLP Social Media Intern

By Brianna McGuire
LLP Social Media Intern

Reading and writing has been a sincere passion of mine since I was ten years old, It is now a decade later and I still share those same values and interest in my ten-year-old self. I am now a senior English major starting an internship in the Language, Literature, and Philosophy Department at Tennessee State University. 

I am very excited for this new opportunity as it allows me an opportunity to work closely with the English department to help bridge the gap between students and LLP. During this internship, I hope to bring more awareness to the department and to attract more students our majors and minors.

Most times when I am asked, "What is your major?" and I reply, "English," I find myself being asked whether I would like to be a teacher or not. Why is everyone's first thought after hearing that a student is an English major that the student wants to be a teacher? I hope to change this perception in the minds of those on campus. There is much more that you can do with an English degree than just become a teacher, and I would like to relay this message and many more to all TSU students as the new social media intern. 

I aspire to accomplish much working with the English Department, I want to learn more of the opportunities that are available to me as an English major and relay those same opportunities to to my peers.

I am very grateful for this opportunity and ready to work!

Learn more about the new LLP Social Media Intern by reviewing her Spotlight Bio.